Have you ever considered holding Dual-Citizenship with Ireland?

Having an Irish Passport?

Hibernians definitely have a special relationship with Ireland and its people, many traveling to Ireland, visiting family and friends, even studying in Ireland’s higher learning institutions. With the global nature of business today, many US citizens now work in Ireland. For the most part, our stays are temporary, usually less than 6 month, but what if a person desires to move or retire to Ireland?

Holding dual citizenship with Ireland is permitted by the US State Department and allows unlimited stays in Ireland and unrestricted travel around the nearly 30 nations of the European Union for those with successfully apply and receive both citizenship and passports.

Who is eligible for Dual Citizenship with Ireland?
If you were born in Ireland to Irish citizens, congrats, you are an Irish Citizen!
If your parents, or grand-parents were born in Ireland, you qualify!
Unfortunately, If you are married to an Irish citizen, there is now an Irish residency requirement.

Knowing your eligibility and how to apply, pay fees and provide documentation to prove your qualifications are key. Applications can be downloaded from the General Registry Office in Dublin or contact a local Irish Consulate and they will be happy to help you with the process.

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